
Patients with cirrhosis – assessement of the cardiovascular system

Cirrhotic cardiomyopathy(CCM) is a condition concerning heart muscle dysfunction in patients with cirrhosis. Cirrhosis leads to the development of a hyperdynamic syndrome, manifested by high CO, increased HR and effective arterial BP and reduced total systemic vascular resistance. Continuous Noninvasive Arterial Pressure(CNAP) device assess patient’s haemodynamic profile in a non-invasive way.Purpose To screen patients with cirrhosis, which may lead to earlier diagnosing CCM. Methods The study included 70 patients, with cirrhosis, caused by alcohol([ALD],22), autoimmune(26), viral(9) other reasons(13), qualified for Ltx. Each patient had a 6-minute walking test(6MWT) done and hemodynamic monitoring using CNAP device. 

Results Patients differ between etiologies of liver diseases. Median NTproBNP level was highest in ALD group(253pg/ml) and viral group(177,5 pg/ul) compared to autoimmune group(51 pg/ul) and other(114 pg/ml).


Maciej Kusztal ,Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, POLAND

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