
Diabetes Educator course with a Specialization in Indigenous: Health

Diabetes Mellitus is a global epidemic, with 500 million people suffering globally in 2013. Patients cannot successfully manage their diabetic symptoms due to the lack of quality improvement (QI) of diabetic self-management education (DSME). In 2013, this number was 3 to 5 times higher in First Nations populations. The objective of this research is to facilitate better QI and DSME in Indigenous populations across the globe by creating a free, accredited course. This course will educate sustainable health promotion techniques needed for monitoring sugars, mental illness, treating common complications, medication management, and physical and nutritional therapy, to only name a few. Research on the succession will be analyzed in a Public Health practice-based research network (PBRNs) method with surveys, interviews, and statistical analysis on short-/long-term effectiveness from baseline tests. These will include: heart rate, blood pressure, mental health, medication, blood sugar levels >3 months, hyper-/hypo-glycemia, blood circulation, ankle brachial pressure test scores, kidney function, and macrovascular, retinopathy, dermatology and nerve damage complications.


Amanda Macdonald

Abstract | PDF

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