Case report
Patient of age 20 years old visited medicine OPD complaining of dyspnoea and dysphagia, diaphoresis with sign of ,tachypnea (21 breathe per minute)and tachycardia of 150 btm with blood pressure 90/60, he has history of 12 years pneumonia repeated treatment with recent diagnosis of tuberculosis, treated by anti tuberculosis medication before 6 months, his weight was 25 kg at the moment of visit, in his previous visit to different clinician, suspected to have cancer due to his reduced weight indication, due to dyspnoea symptoms, prescribed asthmatic medication which he undergone for 15 days for example salmeterol, ipratropium, emsolone, fluticasone before the visit to our OPD
Dr. Niraj Khatri Sapkota
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